Leisurely dancing couples

How to Get and Enjoy More Leisure Time in Your Life


Do you enjoy leisure time, or are you one of millions of Americans who view leisure as a waste of time? According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, thinking of leisure as wasteful prevents us from enjoying our leisure pursuits – especially purely pleasure activities such as hanging out with friends, reading a book, and simply relaxing. In reality, these types of leisure activities are actually what makes us the happiest.

Why Leisure Time Is Important and Increases Longevity

Leisure has mental health benefits  and that it can make us more productive and less stressed. By allowing the body to re-charge and take part in activities that are purely pleasurable, our minds and bodies can function better when we do need to work. Going for a walk, reading a book, gardening, or painting for fun should all be considered worthwhile and valuable activities to fuel your happiness vs. a way to waste time.

Productive vs. Unproductive Leisure

Often people view leisure activities as wasting time because they use them to procrastinate working on a more “meaningful” work project. It is important to realize the difference between watching a funny video to procrastinate working and watching a video purely as a way to relax.

You may deem some leisure activities as more productive than others. For instance, riding a bike may feel more productive because you are exercising, and that contributes to your health, whereas watching a re-run of Friends may not. It’s actually ok to do either though! Allow yourself whatever type of leisure activity makes YOU feel good.

Suggestions for Five New Activities

Have you been working so hard lately that it’s hard to even imagine what you would do with free time in your schedule? Here are some fun activity ideas you may not have thought about yet:

  • Art/Photography Class – Look up local organizations offering classes for painting, sculpture, pottery, or photography. You might discover an untapped talent!
  • Beer Making – There are kits available with all of the equipment and ingredients you need to make beer. The best part is you can have a beer tasting party with friends when it’s done!
  • Garden – Spring is almost here and it’s the perfect time to plant a garden or freshen up your flower bed with some new flowers from the nursery. Watching them sprout can bring you joy every time you step outside.
  • Explore – Pretend you’re a tourist that’s new to your town. Chances are there are local sights you’ve never been to because you live there. Check out a museum, coffee shop, or park you’ve never been to.
  • Pole Dancing/Aerial Dancing/HipHop Class – Step outside your comfort zone and try a pole dancing, aerial dancing or a hip-hop class. You’ll get a great workout, and likely several laughs along the way!
  • Have other creative ideas? Please share it in the comments, you might spark someone else’s imagination!

Use Foodom to Free Up Time for Leisure

Now that we’ve given you several activity ideas to try, you may be thinking, that’s great, but I still don’t have time in my schedule for downtime! Foodom to the rescue! By using Foodom, you can get several hours back in your week. Simply go to our website, select the dishes you want that week, and book a Foodom-vetted chef. The chef will come to your house and create a week’s worth of food in a few hours, then pack it to store in your refrigerator or freezer, and clean up the kitchen afterwards. You can even book several weeks of dishes and appointments all at once, so you don’t have to give dinnertime another thought until next month!

Learn more about how Foodom works here.

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