Chraime Moroccan Tofu Patties

$0.00 Cooking Fee
Serving Size: 1-2 patties
Recipe adapted from:
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  • Cooking
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  • Clean Up
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  • Ingredients
  • Serving
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  • In a large skillet, heat 4 tablespoons of oil. Add the onion and fry it lightly until the onions are browned. Set the onion aside and let it cool.
  • While the onion is frying it in the pan, grind the tofu in a food processor with short pulses. Don't mash it, you don't want mashed potatoes tofu, you want tofu crumbs. If there is no food processor, the tofu can be grated with a grater.
  • In a large bowl place all the patties ingredients, including fried onion and its oil. Make sure it's firm enough, it will get more firm and solid when chilling. Taste and adjust the flavors.
  • Put the patties in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to let the semolina absorb the liquids in the patties.
  • In the meantime, get working with the sauce. On medium-high heat, in a large pan, heat 1/4 cup of oil, fry the red bell pepper, add the garlic slices. Mix well. Add the thick lemon slices and fry it.
  • When the bell pepper and lemon are lightly brown, add the fresh tomato cubes and crushed tomato can and mix well. Add the spices, the crushed garlic and mix well. Bring to a boil and lower the heat to low. Cover the pot and let the sauce reduce.
  • Preheat the oven to 400F. Line two baking sheets with baking paper and spray oil on the paper.
  • Remove the tray with the patties mix from the fridge. Oil your hands and form the patties. There should be about 16-17 patties, cover it with oil spray.
  • Put the patties in the oven for 15 minutes. no more. Remove the patties from oven and gently transfer, using a spatula, to the large pan with the sauce.
  • Add water if needed until the patties are almost completely covered with liquid. Cover the pot with a lid and cook the patties for 30 minutes.
  • Optional step - broil in the oven the patties for a few minutes.
  • Serve with chopped cilantro and slices of challah.

Cook Times

Active Prep15
Hands-On Cook5
Hands-Off Cook45
Total Time1 hour 20 minutes
Recipe Serving Size10




  • 1 pound firm tofu but not extra firm
  • ¼ cup avocado oil for frying the onion
  • 1 onion large, diced
  • 5 tablespoon semolina flour