Live Well. Eat Well. Be Well.
Our Story
Hi! I am Reneta Jenik, the founder and CEO of Foodom. I left one of the best corporate jobs in the world to start Foodom. This is my story, the short version 😉 For the longer one, feel free to reach out directly!
My husband thought I was crazy.
He gave me that “Did you lose your mind? We are not rich” look when I told him that I wanted to hire a personal chef to cook for us so we could eat healthier, and not need to eat out so often during our busy kid-filled weekdays.
Since he usually leads the cooking when not eating out, I might have agreed with him, but I wanted to spend more time with our kids, and less time rushed with meal prep, or ordering take out, with too much food and packaging waste.
I might have agreed with him if I didn’t know that eating out was leading to poor nutrition, struggle to maintain my health and the 80 pounds weight loss to prevent diabetes, cancer and other health complications. And eating out is very expensive.
I had to do something!
And that something led to Foodom being born a few years later.
You see, my mother passed away when I was 12 years old, a few years after I immigrated with my family as political refugees from Ukraine. I had to step up in an early age and take up many chores and responsibilities for my family, but I didn’t take care of the cooking. Why?
My dad picked up this task and didn’t let anyone into his kitchen. He kept on cooking his amazing Eastern European food all his life, until he fell and broke his hip, at the age of 90.
I grew up focusing on academics and athletics, developed a successful business career in large well-known technology corporations, leaving me no time to develop my cooking skills. I found myself feeling guilty that I wasn’t taking care of my own family like my dad.
Guilt that other mothers might judge me, especially when bringing a store bought cake to my kids birthday parties.
Guilt that I wasn’t able to cook healthy and delicious meals for my family every day.
Guilt that my family might feel I didn’t love them enough to cook for them.
If you can relate, we might be kindred spirits.
If you can relate, you are also the reason I created Foodom.
Do you want that home cooked meal for your family, too, without you being required to cook it every single day?
Do you want the freedom to spend extra 2 free hours a day with your family instead of planning preparing meals?
Do you want to come home from work, or kid activities, and find a delicious home cooked meal waiting for you to just heat up, and a clean kitchen?
When I finally hired a personal chef, I got my life back, my family back, reduced our food expenses by half, eliminated food waste and I am still working on letting go of that guilt 😉 I discovered that hiring a chef costs less than therapy!
Join Foodom today, and get your life back, too.